May 2018 - USA Book Tour
In a healthy society truth doesn’t need a ‘movement’. In a society with a prospect of a future, truth is explored and celebrated in the open.
In the coming USA visit I will delve into the strategies that are set to deviate us from truth and truthfulness. We will learn how false dichotomies are manufactured and the means by which detachment and alienation are sustained. We will look primarily at Palestine and Neocon Wars.
Like the Palestinians we are not allowed to utter the name of our oppressor nor can we discuss the means that facilitate this oppression. Truth is our first step towards emancipation. By now, we are all Palestinians.
Please share these dates with your friends and come to meet me.
Monday 7 May, 2018 @ 7 pm, Africa and Zionism - Dissecting anti-black racism in Israel and beyond, led by El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan and Gilad Atzmon, 39 Eldridge St 4th Fl, Chinatown, NYC
Tuesday 8 May, 2018 @ 7 pm, Truth, Truthfulness & Palestine – a talk and Q&A with Gilad Atzmon, 353 West 48th Street (2nd Floor), room 1, NYC
Thursday 10 May, 6.30 - 8 pm ,Truth, Truthfulness & Palestine – a talk and Q&A with Gilad Atzmon followed by a music party. Meeting @ Wil Mar Center, Mendota Rook, 953 Jenifer St. Madison, WI
Friday 11 May, 8 pm Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine, a talk and Q&A with Gilad Atzmon - AL Nahda 10555 Southwest Highway, Worth, IL (Chicago)
Saturday 12 May, Rich Forer and Gilad Atzmon with WE ARE CHANGE Denver 6.30 pm. 7401 W. 59th St, Arvada, CO.
Sunday 13 May, 12.00 Rich Forer and Gilad Atzmon, Truth and Truthfulness in America a private meeting in Denver, Co. Please contact me if you want to attend.
Sunday 13 May, 3.00 pm Jazz & Beyond at The Mercury Café, 2199 California St, Denver. CO
Monday 14 May, Jazz night, Dan Schulte -bass, Fred Ingram - drums, Steve Cleveland - kb. 7:30 pm till 9 pm, Sanctuary at the Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, Oregon
Tuesday 15 May, Today is the Day, Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine, The Clackamas Truth and Inquiry Group at 15815 SE 82nd Dr., Clackamas, OR in the Denny’s Banquet Room at 7 pm.
Wednesday 16 May 7 - 9 pm Gilad with Jason Hanna and the Bullfighters at the Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave. LA Mesa CA 91941 (San Diego)
Thursday 17 May, Morning talk in SD. This event is private - if you want to attend please contact Gilad.
Saturday 19 May, 2:00 PM, Gilad Atzmon in Los Angeles – Music by Fritz Heede and Gilad Atzmon followed by a talk on the current dystopia by Gilad 1827 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Monday 21 May, Truth, Truthfulness and Palestine. 7-9pm, Community Room Richmond Library, 325 Civic Center Plaza Richmond, California
Fri 25 May, The Spirit of Trane, ColJazz Rochester,
Sat 26 May With The Blockheads – Exmouth
Sun 27 May, With The The Blockheads - Merthyr Tydfil
Sat 2 June, With The Blockheads - Lets Rock Bristol
Sun 3 June 3, The Spirit of Trane, Broxbourne Rowing Club
Fri 8 June, Chichester Jazz Club, Gilad Atzmon 4tet
Sat 9 June, With the The Blockheads – Tring
Sun 10 June, Left Out Forum NYC
Wed, 13 June, Talinka at the Vortex, London
Sat, 16 June, Fish Tale, Alford
Sun, 17 June, Fish Tale, Ipswich Jazz
Sat, 23 June The Spirit of Trane, 606 Jazz Club
Thu 28 June, The Spirit of Trane, The Wymondham Music Festival
Fri, 3 August The Orient House Ensemble is Playing a tribute to Bird and Trane, Verdict Jazz, Brighton
Sat, 4 August The Orient House Ensemble playing The Spirit of Trane, 606 Club, London
Sun, 5 August Talinka, Colchester Arts Centre
Mon-Sat, 6-12 Aug Saarwellingen Jazz workshop and music festival, Saar, Germany
14-25 Aug, festivals, concerts, workshops in Cyprus, details soon.
Fri Sat 31 Aug -1Sep – The Orient House Ensemble at the Vortex, London
September Touring the USA. NY, OI, MI, CA
Sat Sep 29 The Spirit of Trane, 606 Jazz Club London
Sun 30 Conference Strasbourg France
Tue 2 October, The Spirit of Trane, Hasting Jazz, Hasting
Fri 5 October, The Spirit of Trane, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sat 6 October, The Spirit of Trane, Garmisch, Germany
8-10 With, World Music festival- Thessaloniki, Greece.
11-13 Concerts and workshops, Athens, Greece
Tue 16 October Twickenham Jazz Club
Thu 18 October With the Blockhead Newcastle,
Fri 19 October with the Blockheads Glasgow,
Sat 20 October with the Blockheads Edinburgh
21-25 October with Aaron Blum, Poland— details soon
Fri 26 October, Liverpool Spirit of Trane, private concert
Sat 27 October Hermon chapel, Oswestry, UK
Fri 2 November - With the Blockheads, Skegness
Sat 3 November – Gilad Atzmon and Ross Stanley, Suffolk.
Fri 9 November – With the Blockheads, Cardiff, Wales,
Sat 10 November - With the Blockheads, Bristol
Mon 12 - November A tribute to Bird and Trane with the OHE and the Sigamos Strings Quartet, Ronnie Scott’s. London
Tue 13 - November A tribute to Bird and Trane with the OHE and the Sigamos Strings Quartet, Ronnie Scott’s. London
Fri 16 November - With the Blockheads, Dover
Sat 17 November – The Spirit of Trane - Teignmouth Jazz & Blues Festival
Fri 23 November - With the Blockheads, Exeter
Sat 24 November - With the Blockheads, Bridport
Sun 25 November - With the Blockheads, Chippenham
Tue 27 November – Gilad Atzmon 4tet, Wilmslow
Fri 30 November – Talinka, Fleece Jazz Club, Suffolk