Wandering jazz player by By Theo Panayides

Those who are following my work, music, writing etc,' may find this interview interesting. 

Published on February 21, 2010


Say the wrong thing, passionate saxophonist tells THEO PANAYIDES

“It’s very easy to regard me as a charming, entertaining and witty boy,” says Gilad Atzmon, putting an ironic twinkle on the word ‘boy’ (he’s almost 47, after all). “But if you get on the wrong side of me, it can be a devastating experience!”

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Big Story-The Jewish Lobby in Britain..

 Press TV's  journalist Amina Taylor, searches for the truth behind the headlines of the most important stories in the UK. This time it is the Jewish Lobby.

In case one cannot access the Press TV video. Here is the Youtube version.

Pt 1

 Pt 2

 Pt 3

A Fistful of Poetry, Book Launch

'To write a poem is to defy the symbolic order. To write a poem is to resist. To write a poem is to say NO to oppression. To write a poem is to put yourself in the place of the other. Richard Jones is a poet of Resistance.'  (G. Atzmon)

A Fistful of Poetry

Richard Jones will launch his new book of poetry at the Dylan Thomas Centre on Wendesday 24th at 7.30pm.

Richard is twice winner of the English Medal at the University of Wales Eisteddfod. Vanished into 'chalk Siberia' for 29 years. Re-emerged scarred but intact. He is published in the New Welsh Review and Roundyhouse. A Fistful of Poetry, his well established blog, is being followed by 'A Fistful of Poetry' the book.


All proceeds from which will go to medical aid for Palestinians. 

To Believe or not to Believe

Daily Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan doesn’t believe the British Foreign Office:

 “The (British) Foreign Office denied claims that it had been tipped off about the use of British passports before the hit, insisting: “We only received details of the British passports a few hours before the [February 15] press conference held by the police in Dubai.”

But the Irish foreign ministry has confirmed that it knew Irish passports had been used by the hit squad as early as February 4 – and it would seem surprising if Britain did not know at least that soon too. The use of “European” passports in the hit was being claimed by the Dubai authorities as early as January 29. Not for the first time, the British government may not be being wholly frank about what it knew and when it knew it.

 The fact that Britain may have waited to get angry until the story got on TV tends to support the view of one Israeli government source that the UK is merely “going through the motions of outrage to mollify the media”. According to one former intelligence source, MI6 has been reassuring Mossad that everything ‘would blow over’”.

The angriest Brit this week was our Foreign Secretary David Miliband.  Any abuse by Israel would be an “outrage”, he said.  I see the the duty to remind you all. David Miliband is listed on an Israeli propaganda site as an “Israeli Hasbara Author”. Miliband is also an interventionist.  Bearing this in mind, should we believe him? Was he outraged for real?







Public Service: Watch Mohammad Bakri's Jenin Jenin


Jenin Jenin depicts  the true story of Israeli colossal barbarism. There is no doubt left, the Jewish State is the ultimate enemy of humanity and humanism.  It also presents the Palestinian ordeal facing the Zionist evil. Clearly, surviving the Israeli occupation is nothing but heroism. 

Soon after Jenin Jenin  was released, after only three showings, the film  was banned by the Israeli Film Board  (2002), accusing the film of being libellous for calling itself a documentary despite documenting only one 'side' of the story. One may ask the Israeli Film Board whether they also ban holocaust documentaries for failing to present the Nazi or even the SS  ‘side’ of the story.

Bakri petitioned the High Court of Justice against the censor for prohibiting the screening of the film on the grounds that it distorted the truth. After a long fight, the court rejected the censor's decision.

In 2004, the Israeli High Court finally upheld its earlier overturn of the ban, but joined the Film Board in labelling the film a "propagandistic lie," based on Israeli sources which acknowledged only 52 Palestinian deaths, 38 of whom Israeli sources argued were armed fighters.

In 2007, five IDF soldiers who participated in the Jenin refugee camp  massacre sued the Cinamatheques in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem for screening the film in the midst of the ban, and sued Bakri for 2.5 million NIS for producing the film. In July 2008 Bakri was acquitted of the charges.

Jenin-Jenin earned two awards: the "Best Film" award at the Carthage International Film Festival, 2002, and the International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary Filmmaking and Reporting.


Lyad Samoudi  the film's Executive Producer, was killed at Alyamoun at the end of the filming by Israeli soldiers on 23 June 2002.




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The Tide Has Changed - Gilad Atzmon

London is ‘angry’ over the use of stolen identities by the Dubai assassins and points its finger at the Jewish state and its notorious Mossad espionage agency. The Israeli ambassador to Britain, Ron Prosor, was summoned yesterday by the foreign minister to “share information”. In practice Britain has stopped short of accusing Israel of involvement in the scandalous assassination, however to signal its displeasure the Foreign Office ignored an Israeli plea to keep the summons secret. "Relations were in the freezer before this. They are in the deep freeze now," a British official told the Guardian.

The British anger at Israel would be a positive signal in the right direction if we were not aware of British Foreign Secretary David Miliband investing enormous efforts trying to amend Britain’s ethical stand just to appease Tzipi Livni, Ehud Barak and other Israeli leaders. The British Foreign Ministry’s reaction could almost be deemed a revelation, were we able to forget that just five weeks before Israel launched its lethal criminal attack against Gaza, David Miliband visited Sderot, an Israeli town on the Gaza border to offer his support. "No country can accept constant bombardment of its citizens”, Miliband told the people of Sderot. He then continued “Israel should, above all, seek to protect its own citizens". It was that foolish statement by Britain’s Foreign Secretary that made us all complicit in Israel’s flattening of Gaza. Bearing these facts in mind, it is rather unlikely that the Israeli Ambassador to Britain was sweating while ‘sharing information’ with the chief aid to the British Foreign Secretary.

In the last few days Robert Fisk reported from the Middle East that, in Dubai there is not much doubt about Britain being involved in the Israeli blunder. "The British passports are real”, says one of Fisk’s sources in Dubai. “They are hologram pictures with the biometric stamp. They are not forged or fake. The names were really there. If you can fake a hologram or biometric stamp, what does this mean?" The truth better be exposed here. As if this is not enough, the Israeli Ynet reports today (quoting the Daily Mail) that Israel informed the British government that its agents were going to carry out an 'overseas operation' using forged British passports. “It wasn't a request for permission, but rather a courtesy call”.

If Britain was collaborating with Israel at any level, we better know it all, we better find out whether it was a person or a body within the Government or the intelligence, or just an ordinary sayan* in the Home Office or any other government office. If there was British collaboration, we better identify what it was exactly, who decided to serve Israeli murderous interests in our midst. We also better find out who in Britain decided to put British interests and British security in the Arab world at enormous risk.

In the Guardian yesterday Seumas Milne didn’t save his words either. “Instead of setting off a diplomatic backlash, the British government sat on its hands for almost a week after it was reportedly first passed details of the passport abuse. And while the Foreign Office finally summoned the Israeli ambassador to ‘share information’, rather than to protest, Gordon Brown could ­ yesterday only promise a ‘full investigation’”.

The truth of the matter is tragic. The British political system is paralysed by the Israeli Lobby. Like in the USA, British national interests are sacrificed for the sake of dirty Zionist cash. If Britain wants to liberate itself from the Zionist grip and have any prospect of a future, it must move fast and clean the entire list of Zionist infiltrators from its political ranks, Government offices and strategic positions. I am not talking here about Jews. By no means do I mention ethnicity or race. I am talking here about a political and ideological affiliation. Considering Zionism is a murderous, racist, expansionist ideology, it is natural to stress that people who are affiliated with Israel and Zionism must be removed immediately from any political, government, military or strategic posts and so on.

As much as Britain would refrain from delegating decisions regarding its security with Arab, Chinese or Russian Nationalists, it should similarly treat Jewish nationalists with at least as much caution.

But here is the good news. Unlike the Zionised British political system, the British people and media are actually outraged. The Mossad’s blunder, as well as the British political impotence is overwhelmingly exposed in the British press. It is on the front page of every British daily paper, it is featured on every TV news item. There is no doubt today, the patience towards Israeli barbarism is clearly running out.

A few years back I was listening to a talk given by Dr. Mustafa Barghouti who pointed out that back in 1948 the world stood silent watching 750,000 Palestinian people being driven out of their land, their villages and their cities through an orchestrated ethnic cleansing coupled with many massacres. The world kept silent when Israel set its racist return laws to prevent the Palestinians from returning to their land. In 1967, the developed world wasn’t just silent, it actually praised the Israeli expansionist extravaganza. It applauded the IDF as it cleansed tens of thousands of Palestinians out of their historic land.

But then things started to change. In the Lebanon war of 1982 the world at large was still pretty silent as 30,000 Palestinian and Lebanese were butchered by the Israeli Air Force and the IDF. Yet it miraculously woke the Left up from its terminal snooze. Some activists started to realise that Palestinians and their cause were at the heart of the battle for a better world. During the first and the second Intifadas more and more people came to realise that Israel was the aggressor. In 2006 Israel again unleashed total havoc in Lebanon. This time Israel left 3,000 fatalities. However, the impact of these successive Israeli brutalities led to a drastic rise of anti Israeli feelings. It was in fact the 2nd Lebanon war (rather than Iraq) that was the catalyst for Tony Blair’s overdue political downfall. Blair paid an immediate political price for condoning the war. The Gaza massacre of 2009, left 1,400 dead Palestinians, most of them women and children, it left Gaza in total ruin, but as we know, it also led to the highest tide of anti Israeli resentments in every possible level in the media, in the street and even in the UN.

This week we learn about Israel’s latest murderous blunder. It assassinated a Hamas military leader. While in the past Israel would be praised for the courage of its assassin squads, those who are chasing the enemies of the Jews in far lands and beyond, the reaction this week is very different. The Jewish state is now regarded as a qualified pariah state. British media and people start to see through it. No one in the British press stood for Israel, no one tried to justify or advocate Israel’s acts. No one repeated the clichés about Hamas being a terrorist organisation. I guess that by now, people out there grasp that Hamas is Palestine’s democratically elected leadership. People also realise that Hamas is justified in pursuing a fully legitimate struggle for liberation.

As much as Israelis and their supporters try to tell us that the diplomatic backlash is fuelled by merely technical matters such as ‘identity theft’, reading the British press conveys a far deeper resentment to Israel, what it stands for and the way it operates.

For a while some of us have been talking about remote signs that the tide is changing. As it happens, we are waking up into a new reality. The tide has changed already. Israel has exhausted the last drops of moral integrity, as if it possessed such an integrity to start with. Britain and every Western country better move fast and identify the enemy within, those amongst us who support the Zionist project and convert us all into being complicit partners in Israel’s never ending sin.



*Sayan- a unique and important part of the Mossad's operation. The Sayan (assistant) must be 100 percent Jewish. The Sayan supports the Israeli cause and assists the Mossad operation. Victor Ostrovsky the veteran Mossad agent says: “There are thousands of sayanim around the world. In London alone, there are about 2,000 who are active, and another 5,000 on the list…” To read more





The Long Arm of Israel better be amputated by Gilad Atzmon


We have learned in the last few days that the Dubai assassins were Mossad agents who stole identities of six UK citizens and faked at least five other European passports. Dubai Police yesterday presented footage of some of the 11 ‘Europeans’ suspected of killing Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.



According to the Guardian, “Official sources said UK authorities issued the British passports used by the assassins in Dubai last month.”

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Gilad Atzmon’s Orient House Ensemble, Vortex


Monday, 15 February 2010 12:13

Atzmon:  Atzmon:
The force of Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon’s world view – his anti-Zionism, but also what Robert Wyatt, a self-confessed “Gilad groupie”, calls the “intrinsically non-racialist philosophy that's implicit in jazz” – comes through loud and clear in his stage banter. Not many jazzers namecheck the Chilcot Inquiry or dedicate tunes to “the biggest arseholes on the planet”: ie a good handful of (named) British and Israeli politicians.
Crucially, though, that ideology comes through at least as strongly in the saxophonist’s music, the mix of jazz and Middle Eastern folk music pursued by his now decade-old Orient House Ensemble making exactly the same political point. And, at least at this performance at London’s Vortex club, it’s a quite spectacular triumph in artistic terms too.
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A New Jewish Goal by Gilad Atzmon

The following email was passed to me by a Jewish supporter:

 “Re: Holocaust Remembrance Day - May 2,

 Please wait 20 Seconds before you close this e-mail.

This message asks you to do one small act to remember the six million

(6,000,000) Jewish lives that were lost during the Holocaust.

Send this message to everyone you know who is Jewish.

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Begin's grandson: 'murderous blood flows in Israeli arteries'


fndf_byGnPalestine, February 13, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) - "Murderous blood flows in Israeli arteries," says the grandson of former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

Avindav Begin, who is also the son of the current Likud Knesset member Benny Begin, refuses to stand during the Israeli national anthem "Hatikva" and participates in protests against the Apartheid Wall. He does not see himself as a Jew or a Zionist and believes that his grandfather did not make real peace with Egypt. He also is not worried about being the target of rotten eggs after his inflammatory interview with Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot.

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Dreyfus, The Protocols and Goldstone by Gilad Atzmon

Alan Dershowitz on Judge Goldstone: “But now I see him as a traitor… It’s as if they would have taken a Jew to edit the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He uses his Jewish last name to kosher his slander of the Jewish People.”

For those who still cannot make their minds up about Jewish nationalism and the Zionist violent abuse of Western academic culture (tolerance, academic freedom, pluralism etc) Rabbi Shmully Hecht of Yale’s University Jewish society, gives an exemplary opportunity to see it all. Rabbi Hecht confronted Judge Goldstone last week while Goldstone was delivering an address at Yale University. Rabbi Hecht and his supporters held up a sign at the back of the conference room equating the Goldstone report with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Dreyfus affair.

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ZIONISM UNMASKED: Chutzpah, thy name is Zionism by Maidhc Ó Cathail

One might think that with over a million people dead and almost five million others displaced in Iraq—and not a weapon of mass destruction to be found—that Netanyahu might be showing some remorse. Instead, he’s beating the drums loudest for an even more catastrophic war with Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

(OSAKA, Japan) - Chutzpah, a Yiddish word meaning “shameless audacity,” has been famously defined as “that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.” Considering Israel’s increasingly outrageous behaviour, perhaps it’s time for a new definition. The one that springs to mind is “that quality enshrined in a state, which having induced its ‘allies’ into a disastrous invasion of Iraq, then urges them to attack Iran.”

At a recent dinner in honour of visiting Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took yet another rhetorical swipe at Tehran. “Humanity stands before one of its most difficult tests since World War II,” Netanyahu intoned. “The radical Islamic regime threats [sic] the well-being of the state of Israel, the region, and all of humanity.”

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Britain, You Better Wake Up by Gilad Atzmon

The more I read about the Chilcot inquiry the more disturbed I am. The fallacy imbued in the heart of British ‘democracy’ is staggering. While some commentators are concerned with questions to do with the legality of the war, the most crucial issue here is actually the disappearance of ethical judgment from our public and political life. Rather than being concerned with morality and ethics British politicians are concerned with legalism. In other words, if someone would manage to prove that the war was ‘legal’ then the murdering of a million and a half Iraqis would be well justified. Let’s all face it, our politicians are corrupted to the bone.
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