The Separation Wall and The Myth of the Israeli Left by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon
Since the earliest days of Zionism, the question of polarity between right-wing and left-wing Zionism has been more than a little confusing. Where Zionism is concerned, it is difficult to determine who is the dove and who is the hawk. It was Ben Gurion, the legendary labour leader who led the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of Palestine in 1948. It was Menachem Begin, the legendary hawk who signed the peace deal with Egypt in 1977. It was Rabin, the labour minister of defence, who ordered the Israeli platoons to break the arms and legs of Palestinians (first intifada). And now, it appears, it is the Israeli 'Peace Now' movement who support Sharon's unilateral withdrawal. Many of the elder doves support the separation wall, unsurprising considering the fact that it was Haim Ramon, a labour minister who was the first to come up with the idea of such a wall. At the end of the day, Jewish peaceniks love the two state solution. More than simply loving peace, they actually want to live in peace.