2014 National Summit - Reassessing US Israel special relationship (must watch)


One speaker put it this way: "The 'Special Relationship' isn't working! We want it instead to be a "normal" relationship between the U.S. and Israel. We believe that will serve better the "national interests of both countries."

On the agenda as speakers were individuals from the Defense and Law enforcement communities; the Non-Profits and the Public Policy field; former members of the U.S. Congress, to wit: Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) and Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL); along with a host of distinguished authors, law professors, journalists and ex-intelligence officials, from both the military and the civilian side.

A former CIA official, Ray McGovern, raised this issue in his remarks, "Does Israel act like a U.S. ally? In the 1980s, he used to prepare the "President's Daily Brief."

One of the speakers that brought the capacity audience to its feet with a standing ovation was Ernie A. Gallo. He's an author and the President of the "USS Liberty Veterans Association." He was a survivor of the Israeli attack on the "USS Liberty." Gallo's 2013 book is titled: "Liberty Injustices: A Survivor Account of American Bigotry."