' the whole world is against us'
Reported by Gilad Atzmon
In spite of Jewish domination of: American foreign policy (AIPAC), French politics (CRIF) and the embarrassing fact that 80% of our conservative MPs in Britain are ‘Friends of Israel’ (CFI), Ynet reported last week that Israelis feel more isolated than ever.
The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) and Tel Aviv University have released their monthly Peace Index poll that focuses on three major issues: attitudes toward Jewish settlement in the territories, the diplomatic arena, and the distribution of cabinet posts in the government.
The IDI report found that the clear majority (71 percent) of the Israeli Jewish public agrees with the assertion that: “The countries of the world make moral demands of Israel that they do not make of other countries that are in situations of conflict.”
“This sentiment represents the broader consensus in feeling that “the whole world is against us.” Similarly, a large majority (69 percent) of Israeli Jews characterize Israel’s relations with the countries of the world as not good, the study found.”
The poll leads to a clear conclusion. Zionism, created to make the Jews loved and respected by the nations, has failed to achieve its goal. The poll suggests that the Israelis admit, at least to themselves, that they have failed to become people like all other people.