David Aaronovitch And The Jewish Solidarity Industry
By Gilad Atzmon
“Zionist and most anti-Zionist Jews are captives of the same primeval Jewish mindset, and that it is this mindset that, in effect, provoked antisemitic reaction, right down to the Holocaust itself.” (David Aaronovitch, Jewish Chronicle)
David Aaronovitch, once Trotskyite, now neo-con but always advocate for Blair’s Zionist wars is alive and kicking. Yesterday in the Jewish Chronicle he found the time to attack Professor Oren Ben Dor for telling the truth about Israel and Jewish identity politics. In his Jewish Chronicle weekly column, the war-monger had the audacity to criticise Ben Dor, (himself a veteran Israeli submarine captain as well as a law scholar who found out about Jewish violence the hard way) for wishing to express his own political opinions about Jewish culture and identity politics.
Ben Dor’s crime, according to Aaronovitch, is obvious, he thinks like Atzmon. “One of the more unwelcome phenomena of recent life in the broad diaspora has been the appearance of a certain kind of Israeli exile who insists on telling us how bad Jews are.” Aaronvitch admits, he had not “anticipated that a senior academic at a British university was treading much the same intellectual path and linking demonic modern Zionism to demonic ancient Jewishness.”
But the news is not all bad. Reading Aaronovitch’s JC article I can now report that the Southampton Conference was a great success. In spite of the conference’s cancellation, Aaronovitch is himself now delivering the Atzmon/Ben Dor message to the Jews.
So here it is again: “Zionist and most anti-Zionist Jews are captives of the same primeval Jewish mindset, and that it is this mindset that, in effect, provoked antisemitic reaction, right down to the Holocaust itself.” Yes, Aaronovitch has himself finally grasped that instead of blaming the ‘Goyim,’ Jews would do well to look in the mirror and self-reflect.
Actually this thought is hardly original or unique to Ben Dor or to myself. It was actually an early Zionist mantra too. Herzl, Jabotinsky, Nordau, Lazare and others were deeply troubled by Jewish Diaspora identity. They promised to rid us of the Aaronovitches, the Lord Levys, the Jeffrey Epsteins and the Abe Foxmans and generally to ship them out of Europe and give the ‘Goyim’ a break. These early Zionists were (almost) spot on. They identified the problems at the heart of Jewish Diaspora secular identity. Unfortunately, they failed to solve the problem. They simply moved it to a new place; Palestine and the Middle East.
Whilst we’re on the subject of the Southampton Conference, here is an astonishing fact that has been kept very quiet since the cancelation of the Conference back on April 31st.
Throughout the vile Zionist campaign against the Conference and Prof Ben Dor, the British Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) remained silent as did Mondoweiss and JVP - the biggest Jewish pro Palestinian outlets. It seems these enthusiastic solidarity organisations only came to support ‘freedom of speech’ after 31 March that is, once the Conference had been cancelled. The reason is simple. Like rabid Zionist David Aaronovitch; PSC, JVP, Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada, J-Big and even Ben White were troubled by the possibility that the Jewishness of the Jewish state might be openly examined and discussed. So, when their support was needed, they kept ‘strangely’ silent. They only stood out for ‘freedom of speech’ once the conference was cancelled.
Within the context of ‘Left solidarity’, one needs quite an imagination to see any difference between the hard core Zionists and those who call themselves ‘anti.’ The only real difference is that the Zionists are slightly more honest. Like Aaronovitch, Zionists celebrate the Jewish symptom in the open while our so-called ‘solidarity’ allies are working day and night suppressing the discussion of anything related to that symptom.