Relief: US and UK have spied on Israeli army for 18 years
By Gilad Atzmon
For the last two decades some of us have insisted that the Jewish State is a prime threat to world peace. Apparently, we weren’t alone. The American and British military elite reached the same conclusion.
Now we learn that 18 years ago the U.S. and British intelligence services cracked Israel’s encryption for communication between fighter jets, drones and army bases and they have been spying on Israel ever since. The information was reported Friday by The Intercept and the German newspaper Der Spiegel based on documents revealed by whistle blower Edward Snowden.
Aware of its own danger to world peace, Israel said Friday it was disappointed but not surprised by the revelations. According to the reports, breaking Israel’s drone encryption allowed Britain and the United States to view images and videos broadcast to Israel Defense Force commands during drone operations in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and near the Jewish state’s northern border. This revelation suggests that America and British encryption technology is almost as advanced as the Taliban who have been intercepting American and British drone communication for some time. So maybe we are safe after all.