I hate everyone equally.
I am delighted to inform you that Private Eye published my letter today. I informed them that "I am not an anti-Semite, I actually hate everyone equally".
Private Eye issue 1432, 25 November:
I notice that on page 13 of issue 1430 under the heading ‘Forked Tonge' you referred to me as “Gilad Atzmon, the notorious antisemitic musician.” Let me first assure you, I am not an anti-Semite, I actually hate everyone equally.
As you must know, my work on Jewish identity politics is endorsed by some of the leading humanists and academics of our time. Needless to say, not once have I criticised Jews or anyone else as ‘people’, ‘ethnicity’ or ‘race’. In fact, my criticism of Jewish identity politics is anti-racist in nature.
I believe that all politics must be subject to criticism and dissent and I insist that this approach must be applied also to Jewish politics and lobbying.
In my writing I argue that Jewish power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish power. I believe that Private Eye should think whether it prefers to silence legitimate criticism of the strongest lobby in the landor does itprefer to speak truth to power as it had been doingfor so many years.
Gilad Atzmon
Apparently someone in Private Eye wasn't happy to find out that Baroness Jenny Tonge was vindicated of the crime of circulating Gilad Atzmon's article. Apparently the Lib Dems investigation that was called to look into Tonge's 'crime' came to the conclusion that yours truly pointing at the fact that British Labour is subject to an "exercise in Jewish power" may be "controversial" ...but falls "short of being racist."
I really hope that Private Eye isn't under the iron grip of some ultra Zionist merchants. I guess that we will find out soon.