I will tell you what Fake News Is

By Gilad Atzmon

Yesterday, in her first speech since losing the presidential election, Hillary Clinton called the rise of fake news an epidemic. "It’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences," Clinton said.

But what is fake news?

Fake news is a deliberate and conscious attempt to spread disinformation.

Fake News is when ‘progressive’ Max Blumenthal fabricates a story on the Benghazi attack on the pages of the Guardian of Judea in order to divert attention away from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s blunders in Libya. Meanwhile, Papa Sidney Blumenthal, financially invested in reconstruction and regime change in Libya, sends the fallacious Guardian article to Secretary of State Clinton, to which she approvingly replies ‘your son is a Mitzvah.’

Maybe Hillary Clinton should tell us more about the Fake News epidemic.  It is indeed an infectious one. It seems as though Clinton was, herself, infected by the disease while in proximity of the Blumenthals.

Let’s hope that Hillary Clinton is recovered by now.