A Glimpse into Zionist Trolling Pathology -Part 1
By Gilad Atzmon
Simon Hardy Butler amongst friends
By Gilad Atzmon
By now, American people must be accustomed to the humiliating fact that their foreign affairs are shaped by the Israeli lobby. Americans must have also learned to cope with the idea that despite the poverty and deprivation in Detroit, Newark, Baltimore and Oakland their government is sending billions of dollars of military aid to the Jewish State. I guess the Americans must be used to the fact that their presidential campaigns are now totally funded by Jewish oligarchs such as Saban, Soros and Adelson. Whether America likes it or not, it has been reduced into an Israeli colony.
Thus, the sickening idea that The Times Of Israel, an ultra right wing news outlet, terrorizes a church or tells a NYC Jazz club who not to book shouldn't be a big surprise.
Last week I was informed that a NYC Jazz club has been continuously and relentlessly harassed by one Simon Hardy Butler, a matzo ball* looking guy who voluntarily decided to take care of my music PR in the big apple.
“I'm writing this email to call attention to the fact that musician Gilad Atzmon isa virulent anti-Semite” Hardy Butler wrote to the Jazz club.
But Hardy Butler didn’t provide a single evidence of me being an ‘anti semite’. Why should he? In the solipsistic Times of Israel’s universe Goyim are there to obey. Let me share the good news with you already, the 'Goyim' didn’t capitulate this time.
“I urge you to cancel his show. This individual should not be given any sort of attention--let alone positive reinforcement for his musical endeavors,” wrote Hardy Butler, whomI believe, never been in a jazz concert in his entire life.
My concert wasn’t cancelled. If Hardy Butler had a few more gray cells in his brain (instead of matzo flakes) he would notice that out of the 6 artists listed on the night 3 were Jews and Ex-Israelis (not including myself of course). Not only the night wasn’t an ‘anti Semitic’ or a ‘neo Nazi’ gathering (as he claimed), it was probably qualified for a pro-Palestinian BDS boycott.
When I started to search for some background on my new Hasbara stalker. I gathered that the boy is probably an attention seeking mental case. Hardy Butler is a failure online food critic with zero credentials to his name. In his posts and letters to venues he admits being a Hasbara social media troll who spends his time attempting to block anti Zionists, which suggests that you want to trace his FB profile and block him. However, his Twitter page is the closet thing I have ever seen to a cyber desert. Hardy Butler publishes tons of tweets yet not one person interacts with the dumping boy, and I really mean not one, not even his Jewish mother.
The closet thing to Cyber Desert - Simon Hardy Bultler's Twitter Page
But then, to my great surprise, I found out that back in October Hardy Butler pestered St. Peters Church, a Lutheran congregation in the center of Manhattan. Again he demanded that they drop my name from their program. You must admit that this Hasbara latke** activist has some balls (that aren't matzo related).
As we all know, Martin Luther had a serious issue with Jews. He wrote The Jews and Their Lies, an openly anti Jewish text. Yet, this fact didn’t stop Simon Hardy Butler calling the Lutheran Church and lie through his teeth. As if this is not enough, Hardy Butler also lied about himself. He claimed to “represent Baruch College” while also being “Facebook employee.” How do I know? A person in The Church reported to me once he realised who Simon Hardy Butler was and what he represented.
Let’s get this straight, Simon Hardy Butler, an anonymous Zionist Jew, an imposter with zero credentials, clout or record in anything attempted to intimidate a Church. I guess that Hasbara confidence knows no limit. I wonder, does this Hardy Butler or his bosses at The Times Of Israel believe that such an approach is going to make Jews loved and respected. Is this how they plan to combat anti-Semitism?
What Simon Hardy Butler doesn’t know is that the Church took him seriously. It decided to look into my work. But what they found there totally contradicted what Hardy Butler told them about me. They discovered a straight forward call for justice that is consistent with the Christian universal values. When the story broke out earlier this week, the music programmer at the Church sent me a message to call him once I land in NYC. He was embarrassed by his initial own naiveté he wanted to put the record straight and expressed an apology for the statement the church produced under immense Zionist pressure. I guess that Hardy Butler may be upset to find out that my next appearance at the Church will be announced soon.
Despite Hardy Simon's relentless efforts I obviously played at the Church in October and will play there again. The concert was a great success, the hall was full. After the concert many members of the audience came to talk to me. Many of them identified themselves as Jews, they praised our music but some also mentioned how much they appreciate my work in the course of justice.
I guess that Simon Hardy Butler and The Times Of Israel are going to stalk me for a while. They are welcome. Foolishly, they managed to make a relatively small Brooklyn jazz gig into a light news item. I, on my part, have always argued that music, art and Jazz are the ultimate form a social commitment. How strange it is to find out that it is the Times of Israel that helps me to get this crucial message across.
When I entered the Brooklyn venue a few days ago I saw a man sitting alone with his back to the wall. I recognized the face, it was Simon Hardy Butler. being a man of peace, I wanted him to feel comfortable, I went over to him to shake his hand. This is what humans do, I mean out of the ghetto. The boy flipped out. As I was approaching him in a friendly manner, he ran away as if I was trying to push him into the sea. In my writing I delve continuously on Pre Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I am here to announce that our weekly Pre TSD award goes to this miserable Hardy Butler.
Simon Hardy Butler Showing off at the Pre TSD Award Ceremony
I learned yesterday that before entering the venue, Hardy Butler was questioned by a security guy and was stripped of his luggage. I guess that in my gigs, Hasbara trolls are treated as ISIS terrorists.
Next week we will dig into Simon’s self promotion video as a food aficionado.
*Matzah ball (Yiddish: קניידלעך kneydlekh) are an Ashkenazi Jewish soup dumpling made from a mixture of matzahmeal, eggs, water, and a fat, such as oil, margarine, or chicken fat.
**Latke- the Yiddish word for a potato fried pancake.