Small victory: Donna Minkowitz’s incestuous Family Story Is Back on Youtube
By Gilad Atzmon
Two months ago, the coordinator of my NYC events asked a number of people to share the stage with me at Theatre 80 in NYC. Donna Minkowitz was invited to present her identitarian mantra and to critique my take on ID politics. Minkowitz openly defines herself as a “Jewish writer, a lesbian and a proud progressive.” We wanted to believe she would be courageous enough to join a civilized forum to educate us on the metaphysics of the ‘gay Jewish’ perspective.
Minkowitz’s reaction was disappointing, yet sadly, not surprising. She launched a smear campaign against me and the event. In her Forward article she claimed to feel “horror, fear, anger and disgust” at the invitation to speak at our intellectual forum.
This prompted me to find out what Donna Minkowitz’s own educationalevents look like. What I found was a deeply disturbing account of homoerotic incest and unseemly morbidity within a Jewish NYC family.
Watch this short video only if you have a strong stomach.
Minkowitz wasn’t happy with the above expose video. In accordance with the Hasbara manual, Minkowitz claimed an infringement of copyright and demanded that Youtube remove my little expose. I didn’t give up. I submitted a counter claim arguing that the video fitswithin the legal definition of ‘fair use.’ Donna Minkowitz had 14 days to respond. She failed to do so, presumably she had nothing to say in defence of her claim.
I was notified today by Youtube that the Minkowitz confession video has beenrestored.
The lesson here is clear: never surrender to Zionist and tribal bullying. Always hold your ground! Truth is in your side.
To grasp progressive morbidity read Being in Time. The book is now available on & & here.