Taboos And Booze For The Masses
Introduction by GA: In the following extract Taxi (Plato's Guns) digs into the meaning of Jewish power. If Jewish power is thereto silence criticism of Jewish power, Taxi bravely points at the core of that power. You can read the entire article on Plato's Guns website and engage in a lively discussion.
Taboos And Booze For The Masses
By Taxi
We are living in the peak of Jew World Order.
If you find this statement antisemitic, if you disagree with the facts and statistics that identify American Jews as heavily dominating or fully controlling American Media, Banking, the Judiciary and American Culture (Hollywood/Education/Book Publishing) – controlling through the Jewish lobby our Congress, the Senate, the Pentagon, Policing and Intelligence Agencies as well – if you are still in denial of the above facts, then this article is not for you. The above facts are not up for debate, they are easily verifiable and by now common knowledge even among the uninformed, as evidenced a-plenty by the incessant chatter on this subject on local and worldwide Social Media outlets.
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