I Am Helping Donna Minkowitz  Hide Her Perverted Family Incest

By Gilad Atzmon  

Six weeks ago Jewish LGBTQ activist Donna Minkowitz and the Jewish Forward,  attempted to sabotage my NYC book launch event at Theatre 80. They failed. 

That progressive Jews burn books is no novelty, but progressive Jews burning their own books is certainly a new development.

Donna Minkowitz is now trying to conceal her own biographical text.

When I looked into Minowitz’s literary activity, I found that in her book, “Growing up Golem,” she elaborates triumphantly on her homo-erotic relationship with her titillating mother and her disdain for her ‘smelly father.’  I published her video that exposed the sickening confessions Minkowitz made about her parents.

Seemingly Minkowitz is no longer as proud of her own stories of her own mother flashing her nipples and showing off her sexy knickers.

 To learn about ideological origin of Minkowitz' morbidity read Being in Time: Amazon.co.uk & Amazon.com   

Minkowitz was desperate to remove my sharing of her video. She claimed copyright infringement. That didn’t work. I argued that it was fair share and won easily.

This morning I received a fresh email from Youtube. Minkowitz has tried her luck again. This time she claims that I “violated her privacy” (by publishing her own video) from about one minute onward in the video. Youtube recommended that I blur her face and so I did.

At least cinematically and artistically the outcome is spectacular. Minkowitz’s disgrace works even better with her face concealed. Perhaps Minkowitz feels shame at last and, if so,  I take some credit for the humane transition she is undergoing.
