I have never expected to agree with Dershowitz
By Gilad Atzmon
In this video, Alan Dershowitz, the ethnic cleansing enthusiast, speaks against Antifa and AltLeft's hooliganism. His argument is, indeed valid! It is worth watching.
However, let us not forget that Dershowitz is far from being a supporter of freedom of speech or the 1st amendment. Dershowitz has worked hard to silence many intellectual careers. He obliterated Norman Finkelstein's academic career. He struggled to stop both my music as well as literary careers mounting pressure on America's leading scholars, humanists and intellectual institutes.
So you ask yourself why Dershowitz opposes the Antifa?
It is probably not because he cares for America. The Antifa is funded by George Soros and Dershowitz regards Soros as an enemy of Israel and Zionism. At the end of the day, every crucial political debate is always reduced into a Jewish internal dispute. I guess that Dershowitz believes that it is better to keep the fight within the shtetl.
To understand Dershowitz and other ID political tactics read Being In Time: A Post Political Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and gilad.co.uk.