Insane Aggression on Display
It is a bad idea to mount pressure on their host nations to suspend their relationships with other nations.
Reported by Gilad Atzmon
One would expect that Jews would have learned from past mistakes that it is a bad idea to mount pressure on their host nations to suspend their relationships with other nations.
The Zionist outlet Israel Hayom reported recently that The Ruderman Family Foundation, a prominent Jewish-American Foundation launched a campaign calling for the United States to sever its ties with Poland.
As could be expected, it did not go well. The Jewish foundation produced an obscenely belligerent video in support of their campaign, which I urge you to watch.
The video is a distressing display of the aggression that is attached to contemporaryJewish nationalist identification. The fact that such a video wasn’t restrained and became viral within some Jewish and Israeli circles indicates that we are facing a collective that seems to lack the capacity to understand the consequences of its own actions. This hubris coupled with a complete lack of superego creates a very dangerous zone.
Naturally, the Polish people didn’t approve of the call for a war against their country. Michal Dworczyk, an aide to Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, described the video as an “affront to the thousands of Poles who risked their lives during the war to help Jews.”
Polish state television's news channel, TVP Info, called the video “shocking” in the top story on its website.
Witold Jurasz, a journalist with the private Polsat broadcaster, blasted the video as "offensive and scandalous," and said it "spits in the face of every Pole" – even those who, like him, oppose Poland's Holocaust law.
The campaign aroused enraged responses and was widely criticized in the Polish media. One critic even remarked, "Polish Holocaust? This is as if the USA attacked Pearl Harbor."
According to the Israeli paper “tens of thousands of reactions to the campaign appeared on social media, including blatant anti-Semitism. Many responses were posted on the official petition site, such as: ‘The Jews don't have a monopoly on the Holocaust;’ ‘stop lying, there were no Polish death camps;’ and "’in the name of 36 million Poles, the Polish Holocaust didn't happen.’
The Polish Embassy in the U.S. released a statement blasting the campaign and video: "We are shocked that the Ruderman Family Foundation has published a reprehensible video blaming Poland for the Holocaust…We condemn this historically inaccurate production and treat it as a malicious attempt to heighten emotions during a sensitive time.”
The Ruderman Family Foundation apparently ignored the Polish protest altogether, but luckily it was slightly more attentive to a lone Jewish Polish voice. Jonathan Ornstein, director of the Jewish Community Center in Krakow, confirmed to the Israeli paper that he had explained to foundation president Jay Ruderman how troubling the video was and had been assured that the video would be removed.
"The term 'Polish Holocaust' is not accepted by any reasonable person whether Jewish, Polish, Israeli or German," Ornstein added. "Emotions are running high and harmful, inaccurate comments from various sides have been published, but this is indefensible."
The Ruderman Family Foundation released a statement saying that "after a hugely successful campaign that went viral internationally and among American Jews and Israelis who have signed the petition – the Foundation was contacted by the Polish Jewish community and because of their concerns for their safety, we decided to halt the campaign."
If they want to burn it , you want to read it..