A FISTFUL OF POETRY (introduction by Gilad Atzmon)

A new poetry book by Richard Jones all about Palestine and Palestinian resistance. For more details:



a Poet of Resistance

Resistance is the liberation of the spirit, it is the defiance against gravity. Resistance is to fight for the sake of hope, it is the struggle for the sake of beauty. Resistance is to form landscape out of words, to clothe the scenery with sounds that resemble a familiar language. But Resistance is not just about fighting, it is also to evoke feeling, to put anger into words, to put words into anger, to put meanings into shapes and vice versa.

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Hope by Lubna Naveed


Don't be sad don't be scared
There is a light at the end of this tunnel
But first you have to go up through a funnel
Don't get tempted to chase the firefly
Let me tell you the reason why
Cause they are going to make you astray
The inner light will find your way
The tunnel will soon end
Just a few more bends
Then there will be a big light
That will eat the night
Are you ready for that sight?
Warning! hold your carriage tight

Lubna Naveed