Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho, London - Album Launch (5 concerts residency)

Dear friends,
Songs Of The Metropolis may as well be our most successful album to date. The concerts are selling out quickly and the press is raving about the album.
We will launch the album at the London Pizza Express Jazz Club in February 21–23
For booking 020 7437 9595
Thu-21-Feb - Show Time 8:30pm, £15 , to book (this show is now selling out)
Fri-22-Feb - Show Time 7:30, Doors Open 6:00pm £15, to book.
Fri-22-Feb - Show Time 10:30pm, Doors Open 10:00pm, £15 to book.
Sat-23-Feb - Show Time 7:30pm, Doors Open 6:00pm, £15, to book.
Sat-23-Feb - Show Time 10:30pm, Doors Open 10:00pm, £15, to book.
Listen to Scarborough
Listen to Tel Aviv
Listen to Manhattan
Listen to Moscow
Watch the film:
A subtle blend of East and West, that’s brutal and beautiful’ BBC.
‘A formidable improvisational array...a jazz giant steadily drawing himself up to his full height...’ The Guardian.
‘The best musician living in the world today’ Robert Wyatt
"The Band has created perhaps their most enduring ensemble work yet" Andy Robson Jazzwise ****
A hard-hitting but wide-ranging set from an admirably tight and robust band led by one of the most charismatic and focused reedsmen on the planet. Chris Parker LondonJazz
'Atzmon has produced his most mature, and in many ways his most diverse, work to date' Ian Mann Jazzmann *****
Atzmon and the excellent pianist Frank Harrison do to the old parsley-sage tune what John Coltrane and McCoy Tyner did to My Favourite Things Irish Time ****
Conjuring an atmosphere of evocative cinematic suggestion BBC Music Review
Peon to a recent past, when urban spaces belonged to the people who lived in them, and cities had distinct emotional characters Financial Times ****
'Fearless bebop player steeped in the work of Coltrane and Parker' Tony Benjamin This Is Bristol
Gilad Atzmon - clarinet, sax, Yaron Stavi - bass, Eddie Hick - drums, Frank Harrison - piano.
Tour Dates (Europe, Japan, South America, Palestine)
31 with Graham York's trio @ The Blue Vanguard, Exeter *
1 Fleece Jazz, Suffolk / / 01787 211865
2 The 606 Club, London / / 020 7352 5953
5 Brook Theatre, Chatham / 01634 338338
8 St Mary's Church, Wivenhoe / / 07957 958724
9 Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth / / 01970 623232
10 The Swan Hotel, Abergavenny (lunch time) /
10 Chapel Arts, Bath (evening) / / 01225 461700
14 The Boat House, Broxbourne / / 01992 442263
15 The Verdict, Brighton / / 01273 674847
17 Book Launch - American Colony Hotel, East Jerusalem, Palestine
20 Old Brown Jug, Newcastle Under Lyme / / 01782 711393
21–23 Album Launch Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho, London / / 020 7437 9595
24 Jagz, Ascot / / 01344 878100
26 With Terry Collie's trio Retro Bistrot Restaurant. Teddington, London, TW11
27 Y Theatre, Leicester / / 0116 255 7066
28 With The Power Cats South Holland Arts Centre, Spalding / *
1. With Jon Thorne's Trio, Isle of White / *
2 Posk Jazz Cafe, London / / 0208 7411940
5 The Stables, Milton Keynes / / 01908 280800
7 Bonington Theatre, Arnold, Nottingham / / 0115 8770284
8 Star & Shadow Cinema, Newcastle on Tyne
10–12 Town Hall, Shetland Island (+master classes)
13 Jazz Bar, Edinburgh / / 0131 220 4298
14 Band on the Wall, Manchester / / 0161 830 3884
15 The Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, Cumbria / / 01539 725 133
17 Herts Jazz, Welwyn Garden City / / 01707 357117
29 Comodo Jazz Bar, Osaka, Japan*
30 The 606 Club, London / / 020 7352 5953
1-14 - Argentina and south America music and literature tour, details to follow
3 With Luis D'Agostino Trio, Notorious, Buenos Aires
6 with Juampy Juarez Trio Jazz & Pop, Buenos Aires
9 With Luis D'Agostino Trio,; Jazzología, Buenos Aires (TBC)
11With Luis D'Agostino Trio Thelonious, Buenos Aires
16-29 European Album Launch tour Germany, Austria, France, Luxemburg, Switzerland, details to be followed
1-12 Italy, details to be followed
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