Sax Offender Vs. Progressive Rapists

By Gilad Atzmon

Once again leading UK AZZs , their Sabbath Goyim (Laurie Penny and Richard Seymour) and Islamophobic Hasbara outlet Harry’s Place have been caught together in bed. The exact same Judeocentric tribal coalition that, a year and a half ago, was formed to wreck my career (and failed) is now pursuing Martin Smith AKA Comrade Delta, former secretary of the UK SWP (Socialist Workers Party) who, they insist, is a ‘sex offender’.

Between 2005-10 I worked closely with Martin and the SWP. At the time I was the SWP’s official Kletzmer. I toured with Martin, performed and spoke in quite a few of those Red gatherings. I met some very nice people in the SWP, but I also came across their many Jewish gate-keepers and tribal operators. But the one thing I never detected in any of those political gathering was a trace of libidinal enthusiasm let alone sexual desire. I assumed at the time that these militant young Marxists had decided to postpone having sex until after the revolution.  

However, it didn’t take long to realise that Martin Smith was not being pursued because he is a ‘sex offender’ – he surely isn’t – no, our so-called ‘progressive’ tribals chase Smith because he is a Jazz lover and an enthusiastic fan of my music. They harass him because he gave me a platform in spite of the Jewish demand to ban me. They want to bring Martin Smith down simply because he didn’t obey his tribal masters. So If anything, it is Martin who is the rape victim in this saga – he is punished because he refused to bow down to the tribal junta. 

As one would expect, our oh-so ‘progressive’ but oh-so vindictive Jews were mighty quick to celebrate their symptoms. Notorious AZZ Mark Elf today asked to see the SWP’s accounts - he really wants to know how much it cost ‘for the SWP to listen to Atzmon’. Isn’t it this just what you’d expect from this ‘Jew Sans Frontiers’? And Elf’s ideological twin, also made it clear that Secretary Smith is being chased for his affiliation with Atzmon  who dared to use the platform given to him by the SWP to spread the thoughts of Otto Weininger.

Truth is, I’m just amused at the extent of the witch-hunts around me. Our Jews and their very own Sabbath Goyim, Seymour and Penny must be in total despair. After all, did they not, a year ago try to have me expelled from Zero Publishing House? Of course, they achieved the complete opposite. Zero stayed with me and ended up with a best seller (The Wandering Who). Seymour and Penny were left out, they had to wander around desperately trying to find a new publishing house for their banal outpourings – and now they want revenge.

My detractors should by now know that all their campaigns against me have had zero negative impact on my career. If anything, they only prove my argument regarding the deep penetration of their tribal activism within the Left.

But here is something that may help our ‘progressive’ non-friendly comrade to better understand their situation.

One of the SWP’s most popular videos ever, is a clip of myself, with the OHE,  being a sax offender playing ‘Liberating The American People’ at one of the SWP’s Cultural Festivals


I guess it’ll  take Penny, Seymour, Elf and Greenstein a life time to grasp how beauty and charisma are translated into libido and a spirit of social change. If they really want to bring me down, they should now start to look into it, because up till now, they really have achieved nothing but exposing who they are and who they work for.  


Update: correction, i was just informed that Laurie Penny is not a Sabbath Goy, she is apparently  "a woman of Jewish descent with many family members living in Israel" .. in other word she is just an ordinary tribal campaigner as well as AZZ.