When PC Is Gone, Truth Prevails And Shoa Panic Is Detected

By Gilad Atzmon

Below is a six minute segment from a Q&A session at the Washington Report's AIPAC Conference of March 2014.  It begins the moment the Holocaust narrative is challenged and the panic on the stage becomes palpable. 

In the clip, an anonymous but well-informed member of the audience asks the panel to address the question of the dominance of the Holocaust in American life. Rightly, she points out that the Holocaust is a state-imposed religious dogma and as such ‘violates constitutional rights’.  However, it takes only a few minutes to see that as far as Justin Raimondo & Philip Weiss are concerned, all that really matters is the Jews and their suffering. 

Jewish Voice for Whatever icon, Philip Weiss doesn’t think that we should ‘problematize the education of the Holocaust'.  "a wonderful book!", he says of the Diary of Anne Frank.  Well, I’d like to hear from Weiss or anyone else something about the literary qualities of this diary - because I've found none. 

Meanwhile, ‘anti-war’ hero Justin Raimondo apparently doesn’t agree that the Holocaust, like other historical narrative, should allow a ‘range of opinion’.

The meaning of all this is all too simple: For America to liberate itself, it may first have to  emancipate itself from its current tribal icons of dissent. For America to be once again the land of the Free, it must leave Jerusalem behind and find the true Athens in its heart. 


The clip above is a short segment taken at the National Summit To Reassess The U.S.-Israel Special Relationship at the National Press Club Washington DC, March 7, 2014.
One can learn more about this very important and timely meeting at www.NatSummit.org.  You can watch  the whole summit at:


The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity politics and Jewish Power in particular - available on Amazon.com  & Amazon.co.uk